Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh, that's just Steve watering his garden.

    I had to do a nude portrait for my location class. I knew I wanted to do something bizarre, so I figured why not photograph my nudist neighbor watering the garden with his chickens scrounging around? As I approached his backyard the morning of the shoot, I was quite surprised with the effort to block off as much of the neighbors vision as possible. There was a full-size tent set up, equipped with tarps blocking all 3 sides, except the side I was to shoot from. We also had a blanket covering an opening in the bushes at camera right. It was pretty chaotic trying to work with the chickens. Of course, they weren't very cooperative. As a result, I had to mask in 5 or 6 photographs in Photoshop in order to get everything how I wanted in the frame. Thanks to Steve, Jonathan, and Kristina for all their effort. A special thanks to Jonathan and Kristina for chasing the chickens around the whole time... and of course, Steve, for being in the photograph.

    Sadly, this was the roosters' last photograph... it was their time to be made into dinner. WARNING: Do not look at the next couple images if you are a vegetarian.