Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hollywood Production Style Photographs

    This movie is going to be amazing. A behind the scenes look of the photographs by the one and only, Gregory Crewdson. Check out the trailer at the link below.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


      I came across this video about a National Geographic photographer, Sam Abell, who spent a year preparing for one photograph. In this case, Sam Abell knew exactly what he wanted in a photograph and he wasn't going to settle for less. This story inspires me to dig deeper into the images that I make and I hope that all of you can apply it to your life, job and/or field of study in some way as well. Click on the link below to watch the video. Enjoy.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Port Prep Round 2

    Here are three images that I presented in round 2 for Portfolio Preparation. Thanks to everyone who helped out! More info on the photos below. Enjoy!

    Jason Schulberg is in charge of snow grooming and terrain park maintenance and development at Buck Hill. I photographed him one foggy night standing in front of the PistenBully on the main run just after the ski resort had closed. A huge thanks goes out to Jason for working with me and making this shoot happen. Another huge thanks goes out to my friend, Jay Rainey, who took his time to help assist me in the shoot. It was a lot of work and I really do appreciate all of your time and efforts!

    Rita Baker is a close friend of my family. She recently received her License for Pastoral Ministry and is a Prayer Team Leader at The Rock Church Center. I photographed Rita sitting at her dining room table in her home in Hastings, Minnesota. Rita is such a sweet and caring lady. My family and I are extremely grateful to have her be a part of our lives. Thank you for all that you do, Rita.