Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Bryan cruising through a tunnel in Eagan. 

Chase hopping a rail in Mendota Heights.

    Tim never completely rode away from this fs blunt, but it's still my favorite.

Here's Chase again with a pretty descent axle stall in St. Paul.

Tim makes everything look good. It's hard to go wrong photographing his skating.

Chase riding a wall from a sketchy quarter pipe some kids made at an abandoned WWII base.

Here's a diptych of Cody playing around at the abandoned mini golf course right by Zombie. 

    Shawn Solem (owner of Zombie Boardshop)  

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nice Ride

    We documented the opening of Nice Ride last Thursday, June 10, 2010. Basically, it is an effort to save energy and prevent pollution by having up to 1,000 bikes acting as taxi cabs around the downtown, uptown, and U of M areas. For the opening day, dozens of people rode the bikes down Nicollet Avenue from the Minneapolis Central Library to Peavey Plaza, where Mayor R.T. Rybak spoke to the public. Below is a photograph of the bikers crossing the intersection of Nicollet and 4th, shot from the sixth floor of a parking garage. 

    For more information on Nice Ride, visit the website at http://www.niceridemn.org/

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

City Hall

    I have always been fascinated by the outside of the Minneapolis City Hall; it looks like a castle amongst all the other buildings. I had passed the city hall hundreds of times on the light rail and was always curious what it looked like on the inside. Sure enough, we had an assignment where we had to document the architecture and design work of the building. The place is quite fascinating, a little on the eerie side in some areas too. Here are some of my favorite photos from that day.

Building Exterior

Abstract detail shot of a part of a stained glass window

    This is the inside of the main conference room. The windows are gelled yellow to help compensate for color balance while filming meetings.