Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Specialization Round 3: Iron Range

    Here are some of my recent favorites from my Iron Range project that I presented to my specialization class. I will explain more about the images as we go. Enjoy.

    The image above and below are of my grandfather loading wood into their furnace in the garage to heat the house. In the winter, it becomes a routine for my grandfather to load the furnace every morning, as soon as he wakes up, and every night, just before he goes to bed. 

    In the summer of 1950, my grandfather got his hand caught in the pulley of a hay loft, which is why his left middle finger is smashed. He was eleven years old. 

    April standing outside on a wet snowy day. 

An electric fence keeps the horses from wandering off and crossing paths with a hunter.

My grandmother watches out her bedroom window as grandfather plays with the two horses. 

The view from my grandparent's office window in the basement.

    My uncle's ashes sit on a stand in my grandfather's closet in the basement. In October of 1998, my uncle was admitted into the Southdale Hospital in Edina for depression. He transferred to a hospital in Hibbing and was released the first week of March, 1999. On the 29th of March of that same year, my uncle lost his life to depression and committed suicide. He was 30 years old. My grandfather told me how him and my uncle would often haul fire wood down into the basement through the small window seen in the above photograph. My grandfather and my uncle were very close. The following text can be seen carved into the plaque on the earn:



NOVEMBER 5, 1968
MARCH 29, 1999


Uncle Frank's bedroom.

    My uncle's closet. The cloth hanging from the door in the left photo signifies my uncle's first solo flight, February 23, 1986. Uncle Frank followed in my grandfather's footsteps in just about everything from construction to aviation. Greeting you as you first open the closet, hangs a denim jacket that my uncle had worn frequently. 

    My grandmother in my grandparents bedroom. My grandmother has photographs all over the house of her children, grandchildren, as well as she and my grandfather's parents. Family is everything to my grandmother. She is definitely one of the most loving people I know. 

    The vanity corner of my grandparent's bedroom. My grandmother has told me stories about how fashionable she was when she was in her 20's and 30's and how all the guys would hit on her, such as her creepy boss from when she used to work at J.C. Penney. She had shoes and jewelry to match every outfit. Some of her jewelry she made herself can be seen hanging next to the dresser in the above photograph. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My First Published Photograph

    I recently had my first photo published in the January 2012 issue of Transworld Snowboarding. Words cannot explain how great it feels to see my first photo printed in a magazine... and not just any magazine, but one that I have loved reading since I was twelve or thirteen years old. I also find it pretty cool that the photos ran in the 25th anniversary issue. Not only is it my first published photo, but it's Dan Liedahl's A.K.A. Danimal's (snowboarder in photo) first photo in a magazine too. Dan is a great guy, always happy, and it's an honor to have photographed his first published photograph. It's great to see him getting the exposure he deserves!

    Note: I did not shoot the photo on the cover. I am just referencing it to show which magazine my photos ran in. I took the two photos below the cover.

    I always feel that it's important to give thanks to those who helped me achieve my goals. I believe my accomplishments are partially due to those who were willing to believe in me and give me their time and efforts. Of course my mom and dad... you two have supported me all my life and I know it hasn't always been easy. My fiance, Sara, for loving me and being such an inspiration in my life. Both sets of my grandparents for all their love and support. Shawn Solem, if it wasn't for you adding me to the Zombie team and helping me get my sponsors with Forum and Special Blend, who knows where I would have gone in my snowboarding and who knows if I would have had the opportunity to meet the people I now know in the snowboard community. Mike Thienes for accepting me into the crew and being rad. Sam Fenton, Cody Beiersdorf and all you guys for letting me hang out and photograph last winter. My instructor, which I shot this photo for his class, Brett Kallusky, for being a great mentor to us all. Finally, Chris Wellhausen (associate photo editor for TWS), for showing interest in my work and running the photo! I feel so blessed.